The new retail organization requires an evolved view of people, process and platforms—merging talent with technology across functions. Columbus Consulting helps clients assess their organizations and offers and implements modern solutions for today’s retailers. Our teams have expertise in: change management, organizational design, workforce/ labor planning, training and learning management systems. We offer solutions for every level of your organization from corporate to field.   



Alain Krakirian

Brian Greene

Drew Wilmot

Elizabeth Elliott

Kate Gorman

Susan Riley


Alan Reyes

Charlotte Haynes

Christine Cho

David Hunter

Deborah Ter Doest

Fiona Ghosh

Garvi Koushik

Helene Trontz

Jenni Morey

Jill Harrison

Kam Johal

Kevin Dozier

Kimberley O’Keeffe

Kristin Paulsen

Linda Canada

Mackenzie Morgan

Mary Beth DePizzol

Megan Fox

Mike Tripp

Moira Breen

Tim Mark

Vicki Alvarado

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