From customer journey mapping to retail point of sale systems, we provide strategy, assessment and solutions for your connected commerce experience. Our expertise includes: CRM, ecommerce platforms, order management, marketing, digital/store operations and more.


Katrina Mossman

Lynn Hughes

Marc Reifeis


Angie Howe

Beth Flynn

Brendan Scott

Caryl Paez

Daniel Eads

Donna Remillard

George Nahra

Heather Gore

Helene Trontz

Jay Sharma

Jim Brownell

John Gorrilla

Kris Merz

Kurt Fuller

Laura Barrett

Lisa Staples

Mark Colbert

Matthew King

Mike Tripp

Nancy Silverman

Patti O’Keeffe

Reneé Meduri

Robert Feuerman

Scott Steever

Sunita Gupta

Suzanne Vincent

Tiffany Doyle

Tim Mark

Tom Slone

Waleed Abbas

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