What is generative AI?

Generative AI, also referred to as GenAI, allows users to input a variety of prompts to generate new content, such as text, images, videos, sounds, code, 3D designs, and other media. It “learns” and is trained on documents and artifacts that already exist online.

Generative AI evolves as it continues to train on more data. It operates on AI models and algorithms that are trained on large unlabeled data sets, which require complex math and lots of computing power to create. These data sets train the AI to predict outcomes in the same ways humans might act or create on their own. The rise of generative AI is largely due to the fact that people can use natural language to prompt AI now, so the use cases for it have multiplied. [Coursea.org]

How is generative AI different from modeling and ML?

  • Statistical Modeling: creating logical assumptions based on a set of probabilities and a conditional framework
  • Machine Learning Application: processing existing and historical data for evolved learnings without the need to change programming structure
  • Artificial Intelligence Generation: scalable data absorption and processing at granular levels using complex and predictive variables with the capability to provide forward-looking knowledge and generate new/non existing data/content

GenAI Insights: Thought Leadership Series

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